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DAC9767 DDS Signal Source Experiment – Xilinx Risc-V Board FII-PRX100 Experiment 20

Experiment 20 DAC9767 DDS Signal Source Experiment

20.1 Experiment Objective

  1. Learn about DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) related theoretical knowledge.
  2. Read the AD9767 datasheet and use the AD9767 to design a signal source that can generate sine, square, triangle, and sawtooth waves.

20.2 Experiment Implement

  1. Learn about DDS theoretical knowledge.
  2. On the basis of understanding the principle of DDS, combined with the theoretical knowledge, use AD9767 module and development board to build a signal source whose waveform, amplitude and frequency can be adjusted. (There are no specific requirements for the adjustment of waveform, amplitude, and frequency here, as long as the conversion can be adjusted by pressing a button).

20.3 Experiment

20.3.1 DDS Introduction

The DDS technology is based on the Nyquist sampling theorem. Starting from the phase of the continuous signal, the sine signal is sampled, encoded, and quantized to form a sine function table, which is stored in the ROM. During synthesis, phase increment is changed by changing the frequency word of the phase accumulator. Phase increment is what is called step size. The difference in phase increment results in different sampling points in a cycle. When the clock frequency, or the sampling frequency does not change, the frequency is changed by changing the phase. The block diagram is shown in Figure 20.1.

Figure 20.1 DDS block diagram

20.3.2 AD9767 Configuration Introduction

The AD9767 module uses ADI’s AD9767 DAC chip, which is a 14-bit, 125MSPS conversion rate high-performance DAC device. It supports the IQ output mode and can be used in the communications.

AD9767 interface timing requirements. As shown in Figure 20.2 below, when the rising edge of the clock comes, the data must remain stable for ts time. After the rising edge of the clock, the data must remain stable for th to be correct.

Figure 20.2 9767 interface timing diagram

20.3.3 Waveform Memory File Configuration

The waveform storage area file is dds_4096x10b_wave_init.coe. For the specific making process, refer to the use of the *.coe file in the experiment 9. The file containing the waveform information is stored in the ROM. After the project file is programmed into the FPGA, the FPGA directly reads the waveform information from the ROM and sends it to the AD9767 interface, and then outputs the corresponding waveform on the AD9767 module. The waveform storage is as shown in Figure 20.3.

Figure 20.3 Wave file storage

20.3.4 Program Design

1. The main program includes waveform selection, mode selection, frequency adjustment, and amplitude adjustment. The specific code is as follows:

module dac_9767_test(

input wire sys_clk_50m,

input wire rst_n,

(*mark_debug=”true”*) output mode,

output wire dac_clk,

output wire led ,

input wire mode_adjust,

input wire a_adjust,

input wire f_adjust,

input wire wave_adjust,

output reg [13:0] data_out


wire [9:0] douta ;

wire clk_50m ;

BUFG BUFG_inst (




wire locked ;

wire clk_100m ;

pll_50_100 pll_50_100_inst



.clk_out2(dac_clk), //nclk_100m




reg rst_n_g = 0 ;

always @ (posedge clk_100m)

rst_n_g<=locked &rst_n ;

wire A_ctrl ;

wire F_ctrl ;

wire wave_switch ;

wire mode_ctrl ;

reg [1:0] base_addr =0 ;

reg [3:0] base_A =0 ;

reg [1:0] a_st =0 ;

always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)

base_addr <=0;

else if (wave_switch)

base_addr <= base_addr +1 ;

else base_addr <= base_addr ;


always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)


base_A <=1;

a_st <=0;


else begin case (a_st)

0: begin

base_A <=8;

a_st <=1;


1: begin

if (A_ctrl)


a_st<=2 ;

base_A <=11;


else begin

a_st<=1 ;

base_A <=8;



2: begin

if (A_ctrl)



base_A <=15;


else begin


base_A <=11;



3: begin

if (A_ctrl)


a_st<= 1;

base_A <=8;


else begin

a_st<=3 ;

base_A <=15;



default :begin

base_A <=1;

a_st <=0;





always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)

data_out <=0 ;

else data_out<= douta * base_A ;


reg [9:0] addr_r =0;

reg [9:0] addr_temp_F =1 ;

reg [3:0] f_st =0 ;

always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)


addr_temp_F <= 0;

f_st <=0 ;


else begin case (f_st)

0 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 0 ;

f_st <= 1 ;


1 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 1 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 2 ;


2 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 2 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 3 ;


3 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 3 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 4 ;


4 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 4 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 5 ;


5 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 5 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 6 ;


6 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 6 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 7 ;


7 : begin

addr_temp_F <= 8 ;

if (F_ctrl)

f_st <= 1 ;


default : f_st <= 1 ;




always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)

addr_r <=0;


addr_r <=addr_r+1+addr_temp_F ;


(*mark_debug=”true”*)reg [11:0] addra=0 ;

always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)

addra <=0 ;

else addra<={base_addr, addr_r };


reg mode_r=0;

always @ (posedge clk_100m , negedge rst_n_g )


if (~rst_n_g)

mode_r <=0 ;

else if (mode_ctrl) mode_r <=~mode_r;

else mode_r <= mode_r ;


assign mode=mode_r ;

assign led= ~mode_r ;

key_process (

.clk (clk_100m ) ,

.rst_n (rst_n_g ) ,

.key_switch (wave_adjust) ,

.key_adjust (a_adjust ) ,

.key_add (f_adjust ) ,

.key_sub (mode_adjust) ,

.flag_switch (wave_switch) ,

.flag_adjust (A_ctrl ) ,

.flag_add (F_ctrl ) ,

.flag_sub (mode_ctrl )


rom_dds_4096_10 rom_dds_4096_10_inst (

.clka(clk_100m), // input wire clka

.addra(addra), // input wire [11 : 0] addra

.douta(douta) // output wire [9 : 0] douta



20.4 Experiment Varification

1. Pin assignment

Signal Name Port Description Network Name FPGA Pin
sys_clk_50m System clock C10_50MCLK U22
mode 9767mode control IO24 U19
wave_adjust Waveform selection key2 L4
a_adjust Amplitude selection key3 L5
f_adjust Frequency selection key4 K5
mode_adjust Mode selection key6 P1
led Mode indicator light LED0 N17
dac_clk 9767 driving clock IO28 U14
rst_n System reset key1 M4
data_out[0] AD9767 data bus IO1 V24
data_out[1] AD9767 data bus IO0 U24
data_out[2] AD9767 data bus IO5 W23
data_out[3] AD9767 data bus IO4 V23
data_out[4] AD9767 data bus IO3 AA23
data_out[5] AD9767 data bus IO6 V22
data_out[6] AD9767 data bus IO2 AA22
data_Out[7] AD9767 data bus IO7 V21
data_out[8] AD9767 data bus IO29 V14
data_out[9] AD9767 data bus IO30 V16
data_out[10] AD9767 data bus IO31 V17
data_out[11] AD9767 data bus IO27 U16
data_out[12] AD9767 data bus IO26 U15
data_out[13] AD9767 data bus IO25 T15

2. Board verification

After the FPGA development board is programmed, press the right key (mode), and the mode indicator led0 lights up.

Then waveform can be chosen according to UP key (waveform selection), RETURN key (amplitude selection), LEFT key (frequency selection). (This experiment is only to introduce the theoretical knowledge of DDS and verify its correctness. Therefore, only four types of waveforms are set, which are sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, and sawtooth wave. The frequency and amplitude are also randomly set.) Figure 20.4 below shows four waveforms of the oscilloscope measuring the output of the 9767 module.

Figure 20-4a Sine wave Figure 20-4b Square wave

Figure 20-4c Triangle wave Figure 20-4d Sawtooth wave

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